DApp — step to a decentralized world.Despite that Dapp — (or decentralized application) is quite a new word(since Ethereum has been launched) there are tons of useful(and not)…Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023
Сryptocurrency as an alternative to the omnipotent and centralized banking systemThe goal of this article is to discuss current situation in world-wide financial system.Sep 18, 2023Sep 18, 2023
Launchpad in detailsEverybody knows what crowdfunding is. This event tend to be common nowadays because a lot of humans have great ideas but finding sponsors…Aug 29, 2023Aug 29, 2023
Smart-contract developer Road MapRead this article to the end and you will understand what skills you need to become a smart-contract developer!Aug 24, 2023Aug 24, 2023
What is a smart-contract and can they be trusted?Smart Contract is another step in the evolution of blockchain technology, which consists of moving from a financial transaction protocol to…Feb 3, 2023Feb 3, 2023
Web 3.0 — in simple words. Part IIThis article is a continuation of the web3 series. This part will cover authorization, metaverses, the dilemma of innovators, DAO, …Jan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
Web 3.0 — in simple words. Part IWeb3.0 is rapidly gaining momentum — and the term can be confusing. You may know a few things about it, but do not fully understand the…Jan 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023